The Artist and Potato Head, 2022
David Fremerman is a Dallas-based visual artist, actor, past engineer, occasional day trader, and relatively likable vegan. Some say he speaks of the pompatus of love. This all makes its way into his work as an amalgam of matter, anti-matter, changing states of matter, serious matter, and does it matter.
After receiving a BS in chemical engineering from Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) in 1982, he set his sights on painting and received an MA from Fontbonne University in 1988 and an MFA from Indiana University Bloomington in 1990. While continuing to paint, he worked for several decades as an environmental engineer. Despite this scientific backdrop, his work is a running argument against over-calculation.
Guided by local observations, mishaps with paint, play, and spontaneity, his paintings reflect upon ideas of presence and subtlety in nature. The results are inviting and unimposing, often more speculative than certain. Eventually his unplanned approach evolved into improvisation and acting, where he’s represented by Lilly Bankston with Bankston Talent Agency.
Some would say he’s a mix of Leonardo da Vinci and Leonardo DiCaprio (actually no one would say that). Others might say he just likes to potchky (everyone would say that if they knew what it meant). But would anyone say his paintings are metaphysically adequate? Very doubtful.